My character was a spoof of Jessica Rabbit in Who Framed Roger Rabbit, and everyone else's character had their own interpretation of a famous 80's icon. There was Spunky Brewster, Pauly Abdul, Fadonna, Debbie Gribson, Lindy Lauper, and Alligator Dundee. I love the 80's, so it was fun to see everyone dressed up!
In round 3, Spunky Brewster and myself were the only characters who guessed the murderer! Lindy Lauper, an animal rights activist and animal lover killed Alligator Dundee because he saw her eating a Magwai burger. None of us really figured out what a Magwai was, but we all assumed it was an animal and it was meat! It was pretty corny....but so were the 80's!
I had a lot of fun at my first Murder Mystery Party, and I hope all of you had your own fun this weekend! Here are some pictures from the party.
Me as Jessica Bunny with "Muffy" the Valley Girl and Debbie Gribson!