We had a great Christmas this year in Arkansas. We stayed with my mom for six days, and we celebrated with family on Friday night and on Christmas Eve. On Christmas day, it was 60 degrees, so we went to Burns Park on the Arkansas River and walked the trails for a couple of hours. On Christmas night, I made homeade white chicken chili, and we watched a movie.
Though we weren't planning to do gifts, my mom cannot seem to help herself when it comes to Christmas. Knowing she couldn't stick with the plan, we also got her a few sentimental gifts. My cousin Jack who lives in Boston gave me a cd with a ton of old family photos when we visited him in the spring. I had several pictures printed for my mom and bought her a picture hanging wire that she loved from Ikea when she saw it last year. We took the pictures and hung them above her guest room bed to make a headboard. It turned out so cute, and she loves the pictures.
Michael and I made out with some great gifts as well. He got some clothes and a ton of fast food giftcards since he enjoys eating out so much for lunch :)! Thank you mom for saving me money! Like I said, my mom cannot help herself. When she gets an idea in her head, she runs with it. For several years, she has always given me a set of new pajamas for Christmas. Pajamas are my favorite Christmas gift to receive for some reason, and my pajama drawer is ridiculous. Well....mom contributed to my obsession by getting me 5 sets of pajamas this year! She warned me that she went overboard!
She also gave me some other "interesting" gifts for my stocking. I can only suppose that she bought these on her pre-Christmas trip to Branson, Missouri. Branson is home to the most knick-knack gift shops I have ever seen!
This gift is the funniest of all. She gave this to me early because she knew it would get a good laugh. It is made to go in my car, but as much as I love Scarlett, I think I'm going to pass. My mom has a fun sense of humor doesn't she?
I also got a cold for Christmas and was feeling under the weather for the past few days. Fortunately, I think I'm well enough to toast the new year with a glass of champagne tonight.
I hope you have had a Merry Christmas and are enjoying a fun and safe New Year's Eve. Cheers to a great year to come!