I'm a couple of days late, for good reason (thank you Tropical Storm Lee), but I hope you all had a fantastic Labor Day and ended your summer with a bang! I wouldn't really call my holiday weekend exciting, but there was A LOT that went on the past few days! Michael was a ghost around here because he worked his behind off to get ready for Samford's first football game, and on Sunday, he took a guys trip to Tennessee to raft the Ocoee River. I didn't get to see him until Monday night around 10 pm :(!
Michael wasn't the only one in this family working this weekend. I had several projects to tackle that I have wanted to complete, and this place needed some cleaning! I was also a single parent, and I had to make sure I gave our baby some extra love!
Scarlett and I spent Saturday afternoon at the park. I let her swim a little, but her fun was quickly interrupted by a Doberman named Draco who fell in love and wanted to play with her! She didn't like him very much! Ha!

I made some time for a girls' night on Saturday and met my friend Jessica at Cocina Superior. Isn't she so pretty? I tried my first skinny margarita but made up for it by eating my weight in salsa and chips while we caught up and had a great time together!

On Sunday, the monsoon called Lee started, so the baby and I stayed in while I worked around the house. I potted three new plants, washed 5 loads of laundry, reorganized the same closet for the fifth time, moved furniture, and I redecorated too! That's always the fun part!
This shelf sits in our "entry way," and it just doesn't make me happy. It's too dark and doesn't serve a real purpose, and I was on a mission to change it!

I didn't change too much, but I added more white to the shelf and a new basket that serves as a catch all for our mail and keys. I am thankful to not walk in the door anymore and see all of our belongings cluttering the table!

So what was Scarlett doing while I was working around the house? She was longing for the rain to stop, so she could go on another walk! The poor baby didn't realize she still had 24 more hours to go before her next walk.

As I said in the beginning, I would have written this post sooner, but our electricity went out on Monday at 5 pm right before I started to get ready for my first Life Group Meeting! Yep, I took a shower by candlelight, put my makeup on outside under our covered balcony, and went to my group with my wet hair in a bun!
Our electricity finally came back on yesterday, but our cable was still acting crazy. It's really crazy how difficult it is to go without electricity and cable. We are so spoiled!
Lee left us with some cooler weather, and though I hate to see summer go, I am enjoying the beginning of fall. I hope you all had an amazing Labor Day that was a lot less work than mine was!