Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Trip to Arkansas

This past weekend, Michael, Scarlett, and I took a trip to Arkansas to visit my family for the holiday. It's never a long enough trip when I get to see my mom, and I hate that we always run out of time! On Saturday, we went to a crawfish boil/going away party for my cousin Kelsea who is leaving for NYC tomorrow. I'm so excited for her, but of course I'm secretly jealous :)! She is going to NYU this fall to begin her masters degree, so she will be in The Big Apple for a few years at least. This gives me a great excuse to visit her several times. My mom and I are going to visit her for the first time in August. I can't wait!!!!

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At Kelsea's Going Away Party

On Sunday, we went to a family reunion, and then we visited with my great grandmother who is 100 years old. She is smart as a whip and so young at heart! I hope I have her genetics!

I also got the opportunity to visit my friend Lonnie who is 29 weeks pregnant with her first baby girl Juliana. Lonnie is so precious. She is one of those cute pregant girls who only has a belly and is tiny all over. She is so happy, and I am so excited for her and Aaron.

We only had two full days in Arkansas, which wasn't much at all, but I'm glad we visited family and got to fit in a few hours of shopping with my mom to prepare for NYC! Now it's time for us to get ready for our next trip to the beach in a few weeks. I'm sure Scarlett will be excited for a second road trip. To her, it's just another opportunity to sleep on our bags in the floor board!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Anniversary Weekend

Michael and I are soaking up the last few hours of our 6th anniversary weekend. We didn't do anything too special to celebrate our marriage. We were just happy to be together and enjoy the first weekend Michael had off of work in a very long time. I am so thrilled to have him home every weekend until late August! On Friday, night we stayed in and had a lazy evening, but it was great! Yesterday, we got up and ate breakfast before heading to the pool for the first time this summer. We stayed for two hours, both of which Michael did not flip over once, so by the time we got home, the front of his body was truly the color of a lobster! We caught the matinee showing of The Avengers yesterday afternoon before heading to dinner at a neighborhood restaurant down the street. Today is our official 6 year anniversary! We got up and went to church then we headed to Mountain Brook for brunch. After brunch, we bought groceries at Whole Foods, came home, and Michael napped while I went back to the pool for a bit. This afternoon we took Scarlett to the park before cooking dinner. This anniversary was simple and no fuss, but it was great just to be together. That's really all we can ask for. We love each others' company no matter what we do. I just love to be in the same room as Michael. It's been six great years, and we would both agree that we love each other now more than ever! I can only hope that God will bless us with many more anniversaries!

Monday, May 7, 2012

We Survived Talladega!

Yesterday, we journeyed into unknown territory with our first trip to Talladega. You've all heard the saying, "When in Rome, do as the Romans do." Well, when in Alabama, you do as Alabamians do. Go to 'Dega!!!

My friend Cassie is a volunteer at the track, and she gets two free tickets for the race. She heard me say a while back that it would be fun to experience Talladega at least once while we are here, so she made it happen and gave us her two extra tickets.

This is the only sporting event that Michael has gone to without knowing a single thing about it, and it goes without saying that I was totally lost! With no time to read Nascar for Dummies, the only preparation needed was deciding whether Michael should wear his cutoffs or not! Thankfully, he wore khaki shorts instead. We were prepared to see lots of drunks with rebel flags and women clad in bathing suit tops and daisy dukes with cowboy boots, but the atmosphere was pretty tame and I don't recall seeing one rebel flag.

We did however see a lot of Skoal tents!!! Photobucket
Driving the flag during the National Anthem Photobucket
My favorite part was seeing how fast they change out tires on Pitt Road Photobucket
Having fun at the race!

The next race is in October...we've got five months to prepare ;)