25 Weeks...the week I began carrying a basketball! I woke up on Saturday and discovered I had grown overnight. My aching hips and back should have been my first clue, but when I got out of bed and could barely see my feet anymore, it was confirmed. I cannot believe 25 weeks have passed by, and I will only have 14 more to go on Wednesday.
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 25 weeks
Size of baby: 13 1/2 inches long and 1 1/2 pounds. The size of a rutabaga.
Maternity Clothes: Wearing these more and more. Maternity jeans are the most comfortable invention ever!
Gender: Not finding out!
Movement: We have a morning baby. He/she is active early just like mommy.
Sleep: I wake up in the middle of the night, and I am starting to have difficulty getting back to sleep.
Symptoms: I have felt good this week, but I am experiencing more back and hip pain.
What I miss: I really want a glass of wine, and then I would like to fall asleep on my stomach.
Cravings: Still loving pickles, and I crave sweets so much more now than I did in the beginning.
Best Moment this week: Slowing down this weekend and being able to rest a bit.
What I am looking forward to: Our baby showers!