Wednesday, March 31, 2010
It's Never Too Late...
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
It's Never Too Late...5 days, 5 acts, 1 post
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Scared? Who's Scared? This girl maybe...

It's Never Too Late...
My mom always told me that my friendships would change as I got older, got married, and moved on with life. She was right. It's so sad that friends lose touch, but life gets the best of us sometimes and there's just not enough time in the day to chill with your girlfriends. Moving overseas for a year and then away to Knoxville made me realize how much I took my friends for granted when we lived in Arkansas. I hope you girls know how much I love you!
I have been so lucky to make new friends in different places. One of my best friends Julia lives in Melbourne, Australia. She is such a cool chick with a free spirit who loves fashion, so we have lots in common and our personalities balance perfectly. My other dear friend Elizabeth lives here in Knoxville. We both love dance, our dogs, and eating out. She and I can do nothing but sit on the couch with a glass of wine and still have fun together. Plus, she's always a great friend to turn to when I need advice.
The newest friends I have made are friends from the blogosphere. I never realized when I began writing, I would meet people with whom I have so much in common from all over the country. The neatest person I have "met" is a girl named Alice. I don't know her last name, what she looks like, or where she lives, but we both read and comment on each other's blogs and share similar stories of dealing with anxiety, panic, and life. She is a good blogger friend to have.
It's Never Too Late to Make a Friend...
Your mother was right...
if you can count your true friends on one hand,
you're a lucky person.
Some of our best memories come from our friends.
The real joy of friendship is when you give.
To make a friend, give them your friendship.
They will reciprocate.
Treasure your friends.
Below are four pictures of my dear friends starting with Holly who is a best friend from years ago, my bridesmaids from college and high school, Julia from Australia, and Elizabeth from Knoxville.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010
It's Never Too Late...
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
It's Never Too Late...
I'm keeping this one short and sweet!
Went to the doctor yesterday for a physical...nurse told me I gained 5 pounds...I freaked out a little but acted it's not cool...I've gotta do something fast!
Starting Today, I will really do my arm, leg, and ab exercises that I promised I would do a few posts ago. I'm such a slacker!
It's Never Too Late to Get Fit...
Think of yourself as a 'street' athlete. (ha ha)
Start slowly...but start.
Set your own, personal goals. (3 times a week for me)
Think how long it's taken to get unfit.
Walk one block, jog one block.
Swim half a lap, paddle half a lap.
Keep increases gradual, and manageable.
Be proud as you progress.
Never be afraid to ask for help. (hint hint readers)
Now only if I could look like her!
Monday, March 22, 2010
It's Never Too Late...

Michael and I celebrating our 1 Year Anniversary in Australia
Our Little Country Girl!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
It's Never Too Late...
This seems all too real after just finishing a pizza dinner and lounging on the couch watching New Moon (those movies are terrible by the way)! Did I mention I'm about to eat some lemon cake for dessert?
There's not much to add to this advice. I think all of us at one time or another have felt the need to shed a few pounds. I'd be lying if I said I was completely happy with my weight. But I don't think I freak out about the number on the scale as much as I used to.
I'm sure the warmer weather and the return of shorts to my wardrobe has something to do with it, but I have been talking about needing to shed a few pounds from a few particular body parts a lot lately. Michael keeps reminding me that I need to step up my routine and do more than walk every day. But I don't wanna!!!
But I know I gotta, so here's my step towards losing weight: For the next 6 weeks, I will add to my cardio by working out my arms with weights, doing 3 sets of squats, and ab exercises 3 days a week.
I'll let you know how it goes!
It's Never too Late to lose Weight...
Decide to act.
Set personal small, medium and large targets.
Give yourself time, don't rush.
The key is patience.
Look at the positive results, however gradual.
Praise yourself when you succeed.
Forgive yourself when you slip,
look at the big picture.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
It's Never Too Late...
Look at nature.
Nothing stays the same.
Why should you?
Use change wisely.
Like a sporting champion, change a losing game.
Keep the things that matter.
Lose the things that don't.
Set some goals.
Start afresh.
What a perfect lesson on the first day of spring! As I drove to work today, I spotted quite a few bright yellow daffodils beginning to bloom, and it made me so happy! I love spring! Everything becomes alive again and the world awakens. We go outside more, we socialize and host parties, we take vacations, we go to farmer's markets and eat organic foods, and we get our share of much-needed vitamin D, all of which make us feel so much better.
Spring makes me look back at the goals I set at the beginning of the year, which usually involve shedding a few pounds and getting in shape. Something about sunshine and bare legs make me go into panic mode and kick the pilates workouts into high gear! But I had a few more goals this year that involved a little word I've grown all too familiar with lately-Acceptance.
There are a few things I'm doing to start afresh and work toward acceptance. I am finally getting on that plane, I am learning to let go of bad memories and baggage because the past made me who I am, I am writing again, and I am really working on quiet time.
What are you doing to start again?
Friday, March 19, 2010
7 Days 'til Take-Off

It's Never Too Late...
To Get A Life
When someone tells me to get a life, what are they implying? Does getting a life mean I should
quit worrying over the little things
drink beer on weekdays
stay up past my bedtime
go out in the sun without sunscreen
take my sweet tea with sugar not Splenda
eat beef instead of chicken or white instead of wheat
wear heels
be spontaneous
If I had $5 dollars for every time someone told me to “get a life” or to “just live a little,” I wouldn’t be paying rent on a two bedroom town home people. I’d be shacked up with Michael and Scarlett in a mansion on the beach!
I’ve always been the responsible one, the girl who takes charge and makes sure things get done. I’m not the girl who lets go and lets things happen. I’m not the first girl you would call to go party with, but I’d be the girl you would call if you needed help.
I am the girl who listens when you need to pour out your heart. I’m the designated driver, planner, and caretaker. Because I’m this girl, I’ve been told I need to let loose and have more fun. In other words…I need to get a life.
A year or two ago, you would have hurt my feelings if you told me to get a life. But now I know more of who I am, and I am discovering the meaning of my life as we speak. I know Kevin was searching for his personal meaning in life when he read this book. I truly believe he found happiness before he left this world, and I know he would want Michael and I to do the same before it’s too late.
With that said…my life is about being a good wife and daughter, accepting who I am, learning new things, not getting sunburn, being healthy, writing, traveling, wearing comfortable shoes, taking pictures of beautiful things, and getting my 8 hours of sleep!
It’s Never Too Late to Get a Life...
Slow down.
Look around.
Feel your heart.
Find the people and things that you love.
Care for them.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
It's Never Too Late...

Tuesday, March 16, 2010
It's Never Too Late...

Monday, March 15, 2010
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Brandi's Trip Home
Me and the Birthday Girl Joni!
Joni, me, and Andrea!
The group: Me, Andrea, Taylor, Joni, and Lonnie
The next three days were spent shopping, shopping, and more shopping. This is what my mom and I do best together. I got some rockin' deals on dresses and tops, so I was pretty happy. We also got pedicures one day, which is something we always do to treat ourselves when we are together. One of the most fun activites we did was walking "The Big Dam Bridge" over the Arkansas River. I really think they should have named the bridge something better, but I guess it gets your attention. My Aunt Paula joined us, and it was so beautiful to walk over the river at sunset, but I am still kicking myself for not bringing my camera. The coolest part was actually seeing a huge barge go through the dam. I have never seen how a lock and dam works, so this was so neat and a bit scary seeing how they lock a huge barge from one part of the river to the other right under the bridge we were standing on. Too bad I don't have pictures!!! This was a great trip home, and I was so glad to spend time with my mom and see how well she is doing. She is happier than I have seen her in a long time, and I am so glad I got to spend more time with my Aunt Paula and Uncle Bobby and with my cousins Kelsea and Sydney. They are such great girls. I am so happy to call them family.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Brain Mush

Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Friday, March 5, 2010
It's Time to Quit!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Oh the Plight of Motherhood

Tuesday, March 2, 2010
And the Gluttony Continued on...
Monday, March 1, 2010
A Great (and Gluttonous) Weekend!