Thank You Mr. Lindsay for going easy on me today.
If any of you have had the pleasure of knowing my husband Michael, you can see how easy it is for me to love him. I am a very lucky girl who fell in love with a boy who is the kindest, most patient, free-spirited, selfless...did I say in the world. God knew what he was doing when he brought Michael into my life, and I've never looked back. In two months, we will be celebrating our 4 year anniversary. I think we both love each other more than we did on our wedding day, which is what I truly think marriage is all about.
Michael may come first, but there is another object of my affection that I must confess. I am in love with a very special box fan I call Galaxy. Yes, I said box fan, and I cannot live without her. The Galaxy has been keeping me company at night for about 2 years now. I love her so much that I carried her to Arkansas a few weeks ago. She and Galaxy 1 & 2 have accompanied our family on very many road trips in the past. I am sorry to say, but Galaxy 3 died last night, and I woke up around 1:00 a.m. to dead silence. I woke Michael up to listen to the silence to make sure I wasn't dreaming. I wasn't. Galaxy 3 had grown old and tired, and her motor finally gave out on her. I couldn't go 24 hours without another Galaxy, so Michael and I went to Wal-Mart this afternoon and bought Galaxy 4. I am in love! No, this is not a joke. Yes, I may have a problem.
Now on a more serious note,
It's Never Too Late to Fall in Love...
Open your heart. (It's not easy but it's essential.)
How will love enter if your heart is closed.
Look ahead for love, not behind.
Love is waiting.
Don't chase it.
Be yourself.
Be open to possibilities.
Love will find you.
Michael, if you are reading this, I love you more than anything (even Galaxy 4). Thank you for finding me and allowing me to be myself. I look forward to many more exciting years with you! 

Michael and I celebrating our 1 Year Anniversary in Australia
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