I have the most wonderful, loving, and supportive husband a girl could have. He always tells me that my happiness is the most important thing to him and I believe him. It doesn’t matter where we live, what we do, or how much money we have, but as long as it’s the two of us together and I’m happy, he is happy. I’m jealous of the fact that he is such a happy person! How is he so easy going? My happiness depends on so many factors, and as much as I don’t want to admit it, my happiness depends on more than just the two of us. I’m just a little more complicated. My happiness depends on personal growth, my career, overcoming challenges, my appearance, my social life, finding meaning every day, having people who love me in my life, writing, traveling, good mental health, delicious food… When the chances of getting my new job seemed promising, I wasn’t completely happy. I wanted the job more than anything, but all I could think about was the fact that Michael and I had an unwritten plan. He would finish school and begin his career. That’s why we spent two years and the money for him to pursue his dream, so it only seemed natural to follow his career. But then things all of a sudden changed and a decision had to be made to follow my career instead. The timing gave us no other choice. Then the overwhelming guilt came… Am I an awful wife if I take this job, am I being selfish, am I letting people down at my current job, am I rushing into this, is Michael going to resent me? The guilt and stress ruled over me for quite a few days, and I couldn’t be happy for myself and the fact that I could possibly get a job I really wanted. But with lots of prayer and reassurance from Michael, I finally realized that though it may not have been the plan, moving to Birmingham for my career made both of us happy. This job offers an opportunity to grow in so many ways and Michael sees that, so he’s happy because I’m happy. I’ve learned so much about him these past three weeks because we’ve done a lot of talking and a lot of decision making. More than anything, he has taught me to let go of the guilt and realize that it’s truly okay to be happy! After all if it’s just the two of us, then isn’t that all that matters? I’ve said it a thousand times, but I will say it again…I am one lucky girl! It’s Never Too Late To Let Yourself Be Happy Take charge of your own happiness. We are all entitled to be happy. Seek light instead of shadows. Treasure your happiness. Share it.
Congrats Girl!!! Have you started the new job yet?