More than a week late, I'm just now getting around to telling everyone who reads our decreasingly interesting blog, I hope you all had a wonderful 4th of July weekend! I promise I'm going to wrap my head around proper time management and actually update this baby a little more....okay a lot more! I honestly don't know where the time has gone. On Friday, I opened my personal email account, and I had over 200 messages to read; my Google reader had over a 1,000 articles waiting on me. I was shocked! Where had the week gone? I went more than 7 days without even thinking about checking my email? I mean...I know I actually do a thing called "work" now, but geez, I need to get with the program. So what have we been doing? Last weekend my mom came to Birmingham to visit for the 4th of July. We visited Pepper Place Farmer's Market, took a tour of the city and visited my new office, shopped a little, went to an antique market, joined our friends for a 4th of July cookout, and simply hung out together. It's always nice having her around, and though she says the drive to Birmingham is a lot worse than it is to Knoxville, I am glad we are a couple of hours closer. We visited the famous Vulcan Park on top of Red Mountain. Vulcan, the Roman god of the forge, is a symbol of the steel industry that made Birmingham what it is today. Overlooking the city, he is the largest cast iron statue in the world. There's not many touristy things to do here, but I guess he would be the most popular thing to see.
Here is the view of downtown from Vulcan's feet:

His bare butt shows from the other side, I should have gotten a picture!
On Tuesday, Michael started his job with Samford. I got to visit the campus when my mom was here, and I thought it was one of the most beautiful schools I've ever seen. His official title is Ticketing and Customer Service Assistant, but he has already been asked to take over women's basketball marketing. I think he is going to really like working me...he like myself, is slowly finding out what "work" is, and he will be very busy come fall, but he will love it because, afterall, it involves athletics! We are both very happy to be where we are. Scarlett, not so much! She got used to her daddy being home every day in June, and she isn't quite used to the new schedule.
So to get caught up, we had a great 4th of July, and we are both really busy with work, but we are happy and that's what matters most. I hope all of you are as blessed as we are and had a fantastic holiday weekend and are still continuing to have a fun summer!
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