The school year has started again, which means it's work, work, work for Michael. When football games start in a couple of weeks, it's only going to get more lonely around our house! This weekend I got a little taste of what I call sports widowdom, which happens every fall when Michael's job gets busier. I am so happy for him because he has a career that he enjoys because sports is his life (well except for me and Scarlett), but I hate being by myself so much! This weekend, Michael had to work Friday and Saturday night! So what did I do while he was away...I spent a lot of time on the couch, and after I got caught up on my Project Runway Season 8 episodes, I watched 5 movies this weekend.
Three movies I absolutely loved, but two were cheesy and ridiculous! Ladies, if you are ever at home without your husband or significant other, here are a few movies to choose from to make being a weekend widow a little less awful. Unless you like it when hubby is away! I recommend the first three movies, but the last two you can rent at your own risk!
My favorite movie this weekend was Remember Me. My girlfriend Jennifer has been begging me to see this movie, and I am so glad I did. It is a great love story, and I love Robert Pattinson in this movie so much more than I like him in the Twilight Series (I know I'm going to get a lot of complaints about that comment)! The ending is the best is very surprising!
Julie and Julia is such a feel good movie. I laughed so much, and when the movie was over, I was in such a good mood! Meryl Streep is my favorite actress, so I am partial to any movie she is in, but I loved the story of food and blogging and doing what you love in life!

Some of my favorite movies of all time are historically based movies set in England. It must be the beautiful love stories and the fairy tales of kings and queens and life at court. Plus, the scenes in English movies are so beautiful! I want to visit every place in
The Young Victoria, and I want Victoria's dog named Dash. He is a tri-colored Cavalier King Charles Spaniel who follows Queen Victoria during the entire movie!

I expected
When in Rome to be a cheesy love story...but that's putting it lightly. I didn't stop playing the movie, but it hurt a little to watch it until the end. I can't decide if I am a Kristen Bell fan, and the movie was more than predictable with a terrible story line. It was worse than your typical romantic comedy, but if you want a simple movie with pretty people, then it's worth a $1 at the Redbox.
Hot Tub Time Machine is vulgar, ridiculous, and stupid. Not much more to say than I got up and did laundry during the movie because I couldn't bare another second! I would actually save your $1 and skip this movie! Even Michael thought the movie was bad!

Are there any good movies any of you can recommend for my next Widow Weekend?
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