Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Elijah Paul Wagner
Sunday, March 27, 2011
The Tillmans come to Birmingham!
My experience with babies is very limited, but I was very impressed by this little boy! He is so precious and sweet, and he is very, very happy! Lacey and Richard say that he sleeps 12 hours a night and takes naps during the day. Now that's my kind of baby!
In the 20 hours we spent with Asher, I found out that he is definitely a daddy's boy, and he loves balls, stairs, and puppies! He kept running to his daddy and to his grandpa, but he also loved Michael too. I really liked this picture of him and Michael playing together.
Asher loved Scarlett. He kept walking around pointing at her and saying "puppy, puppy." He hugged her all night long when she would let him, and he would rub his sweet little face against hers. I don't think Scarlett knew what to think of him though. I believe she was a little jealous!
Saturday, March 26, 2011
What a Difference a Year Makes!
Friday, March 25, 2011
Excuse Me Doctor, What Did You Say?
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Six Days of Randomness
I desperately searched high and low for a picture of me and my four sorority sisters who went to Panama City Beach nine years ago. So much has changed since then, most importantly, the fact that we didn't have digital cameras! We were rocking the wind up disposable cameras in my day! I went through all of my albums to take a digital picture of my film pictures of spring break, but I came up empty! I just think it would have been funny to compare the two. We dressed so differently, we definitely didn't text, tweet, or facebook, and we didn't use a gps system to get us from Arkansas to the beach.
After the girls left on Saturday, I went shopping while Michael went to work. On Saturday night, we dropped off Scarlett with our friends Nicole and Chris before heading to Auburn to watch the girls NCAA tournament game between Samford and Florida State University on Sunday. It was nice to stay the night away, and it felt like a mini-vacation! I think Auburn is such a cute town! The campus is so beautiful, and the town just feels so homey. I wish we could have stayed more than a night, but unfortunately Florida State beat Samford and we headed back to Birmingham on Sunday.
While in Auburn, Michael and I ate lunch at the original Momma Goldberg's just a block from campus. They have the best sandwiches, and the weather was perfect for sitting outside for a nice lunch.
We drove through the campus after lunch because I wanted to see the trees at Toomer's Corner. It is awful that someone would poison these magnificent trees, and I hope they are going to be saved. You can see that they are still alive, but the ground around them is blocked so you can't get close. I hope there is some way to save them. Rolling Toomer's Corner is one of the best traditions in college football, and I know that so many Auburn fans hope their children and grandchildren will partake in the same tradition twenty years from now.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Caught by the TV Camera!
Monday, March 14, 2011
A Perfect Weekend

All the screens are gone, and the windows look so much better now. They are clean and shiny and ready to sell the house!
Sunday, March 13, 2011
McGreevey News!

Me and my soon to be sister-in-law!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Scarlett Goes to Work
Late yesterday, our real estate agent called to ask if we would be able to show the house. We really need to sell this house, but I really don't want Scarlett in the house while we are trying to sell it. It's pretty common that babies are allowed to join their mommas in my office (yes, they are that flexible!), and I hoped they would make an exception for Scarlett, my little fur baby!
No problem! My boss said I could bring her anytime!
So today Scarlett joined me in the office. It was nice having her around, but I doubt I will make a habit of it. She's spoiled, but not that spoiled!
Here are some pictures of our fun day at the office.

Monday, March 7, 2011
Some Things Never Change
Michael and I would like to think of ourselves as free and spontaneous, not tied down by anything that would hold us back from late date nights and spur of the moment plans. But really, life for us isn't much like that; in fact, how we spend our time away from work hasn't changed much over the years. We are pretty good at being homebodies and more than anywhere else, home is where you will find us. Friday night, we spent the evening at home cleaning and doing laundry, and I am pretty sure we were in bed before 10 pm! I think it was 9:30 pm on Saturday. Spontaneous huh?!
Saturday morning, we helped out at the Dream Center before Michael dropped me off at the salon to get some highlights. Again...some things never change! I am officially on my way to bringing blonde back into my life. I liked my darker hair, but I honestly don't know why I ever change it because I always go back blonde. It will be a gradual process to get back to the color I want, but as you can see, I'm getting there!
Another thing that unfortunately never changes is the unpredictable weather in the South. It was so dreary on Saturday, and I thought the rain would never stop! Yesterday, it felt like winter again, and it was very, very cold and gray. After weeks of gorgeous weather, it was depressing to feel like we were still dealing with winter.
Well, that was our weekend, pretty much the same as most weekends are for us! I hope you had a great weekend!
Thursday, March 3, 2011
A Year Later
Our lives are no less chaotic than they were a year ago; in fact, here recently, I believe we've gone through a lot. We have been living in Birmingham, AL, since June after making a decision to move here so Michael could begin his career in athletics and I could begin my dream job in PR. We were both so excited to move here for better jobs and to be around many of our friends who have known Michael since high school and who were a part of our wedding. Soon after we moved here, the honeymoon was sort of over, and I realized my job was more of a nightmare. I was so disappointed in myself! I went to work everyday miserable, but I felt so guilty because I was mostly to blame for moving us here.
In the meantime, we started attending church regularly for the first time in our marriage. Many of our friends attend this church, and I immediately loved it. The music takes some getting used to if you aren't into contemporary worship, but the messages have always been great. The more we went to church, the more I felt my relationship with God strengthening. With church came a small group bible study, a daily quiet time, a stronger marriage, and a better relationship with God. My relationship with God grew as the difficulties at work grew, and I could not imagine how life would have been if it were simply me trying to deal with everything without a little help from the man upstairs!
For a few months, life was hard, and I questioned why we were here. But as time unraveled, I quickly realized that we weren't in Birmingham for jobs, we were here because it's where God wanted us to be, I believe for several reasons. He wanted us here to be with friends, to take care of a house that was going to need some TLC, to learn to budget, to strengthen our marriage, to seek our purpose in both our personal lives and in our careers, and most importantly to find a place where we would grow closer to Him.
Early November, my friend Jamie called me out of the blue to tell me her company was hiring, and she thought I would be great for the job since it required a person who likes to talk to people. Her company is a sales tax auditing firm full of accountants and numbers people. I sort of blew her off to be honest, I've been around some accountants, and they can be really crazy and really scary!!!! I'm a word person for heaven's sake! But I was desperate, and I thought "what the heck!" I sent her my resume but never heard a thing. My mom came to visit me over Thanksgiving, and she saw how stressed I was about my job. The whole week she was here, I was more worried about a stupid brunch I had planned for early December, and I couldn't even enjoy myself. Yes, I was miserable, and I was making my mom miserable too! By the time she left, I knew I had to find a new job. I planned to call a temp agency first thing the next week. I did a lot of praying that weekend, but after talking it over with Michael, we decided to my dismay that I should stick it out for a few more months. I had accepted my fate and went unhappily to work the next day. Two days later, I received a text from Jamie saying that the person originally hired for the job I applied for didn't work out and I was asked to come interview. That week, I experienced the shortest interview of my life and was hired the same day. Before I could catch my breath, I had made the decision to give up the job I had worked so hard to get to, the job that was going to take me places, and accepted a job as an audit coordinator scheduling sales tax audits! In a million years, I never would have guessed a girl like me who is still terrified of numbers would be working at an auditing firm and loving every minute of it! It is the best job I have ever had, and it is the only place I have worked where everyone gets along and truly cares about each other. It's right where God wanted me to be!
So a year later, when I look back at some of my posts about soul searching and anxiety, I still feel like I am the same person who struggles with finding who I am while dealing with anxious days...but there is one fundamental difference. I have a deeper sense of gratitude, a stronger faith in God, and a better sense of self that makes life a little less fearful when dealing with the change and chaos that comes our way.
If you were to ask me where I have loved living the most since Michael and I got married, I would have to say Birmingham, Alabama because it's the place I began the journey towards a strengthened relationship with God! For now, this is exactly where He wants us to be!