I shared last week that we have changed our diet to become less dependent on processed food. Though I feel better than I have in a long time, and we have both lost weight, it has been difficult to stay within our grocery budget. Here comes EMeals to the rescue! I have known about this menu planning service for a while, but they recently answered my prayers and added a meal plan for 2 at Whole Foods! I signed up on Friday, and enjoyed my first shopping trip yesterday. I am happy to report that we are within our budget this week, and we have delicious and healthy dinners on the menu for this week. The service offers a weekly menu, recipes, and itemized shopping list for different budgets, grocery stores, diets, and family size. I am convinced everyone should try this at least once. You pay a 3-month, $21 membership fee to join, and you can change your plan once a month if you aren't happy with the plan you've chosen. You can also google "Emeals coupon code" and get $3 off the membership price. I have been spending hours planning our weekly meals to try to marry our budget with healthy food, and this made my week so much easier!
Michael and I are co-hosting our first baby shower, and my project is the decor and invitations. I'm in heaven!!!! We are creating a woodland owl theme, and my head has been filled with so many ideas, but executing them was going to prove to be a little tougher than I thought. Here comes my crafty friend Laura on the scene! Thankfully, she loves crafts, and she offered to help me with a few projects that only her Cricut machine can do. Together, we created some awesome pieces for the shower like the handmade owl cupcake topper above! I wish I could show you more, but mommy reads my blog and I want there to be some surprises. I am thankful for my crafty friend Laura who is willing to help me create the cutest baby shower ever for our friends Nicole and Chris!
Go to Amazon.com and buy this book. I am thankful I did! It is funny, simple, and life changing. It has spoken to me on so many levels and has convicted me to change areas in my life that I didn't really think about before. If you are looking for a positive experience that will challenge you to grow, then spend the $10 for this book. You'll discover that believing in God is not enough, and when your daily life lines up to what you claim you believe in, an amazing transformation will occur. It's too bad I didn't have this book about 10 years ago, but in God's perfect timing, I am thankful it's part of my life today!
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