This past weekend was about more celebrating! Eli's first birthday party was Saturday at the park. I cannot believe he is already one year old. Looking back at some of my posts from last year, it seems like yesterday that he came into the world!
Eli's Smash Cake
Eli recently started walking, and he was on the go!
It's cake time!
Then presents....
It's true what they like the wrapping and tissue paper more than the presents. He was so funny to watch as he tore the paper apart each time Jamie handed him a present.
Happy Birthday Eli!!!!
Scarlett and I were invited to a dog birthday party on Sunday for her friend Reese! It makes me happy to have friends that love and spoil their fur babies like I do. Reese turned 2, and her mom Rachel baked all the dogs a dog friendly cake and all the humans delicious cupcakes. We let our dogs, or kids as we think of them, run around the park and play in the water before they all tired out. Scarlett was beat!
Isn't Reese's cake awesome? The circles are carrots, and the center had beef and barley.
Reese and her mom Rachel. If you look closely, you can see that Reese is wearing a birthday tutu :)
This makes me smile because Rachel is giving a taste of cake to Reese just like Jamie did for Eli in the picture above. I tease Rachel about what her children's birthday parties will be like when she is a mom.
Scarlett and her friend Tito
Doggy Birthday Cake!
Amid the celebrations, I accomplished lots of spring cleaning and organizing. Periodically, I go into crazy organization OCD cleaning mode, so since Michael worked all weekend it was perfect timing. I spent lots of time outside cleaning off our balcony and washing our outdoor furniture that was covered in pollen. I don't know how you people with yards have any free time! I also bought some beautiful plants and transplanted fresh herbs from the nursery next door. This is my first time to grow herbs, and I decided on growing cilantro and sweet basil. We used the cilantro tonight in a recipe, and it was delicious. I loved being able to cut fresh cilantro and walk 10 feet and add it to our dinner. Next year, maybe I'll grow herbs from seeds like a true gardener.
Our pretty plant
Cilantro and basil....I'm happy to report it has grown so much already since I took this picture.
My little helper who wanted me to stop cleaning and give her some attention
I'm excited to be hosting my mom and Paula for Easter. We are going to do some fun things around Birmingham and spend the day in Atlanta on Saturday. I'm excited about them visiting COTH on Sunday for our Easter Service. I hope all of you have a blessed Easter. How blessed we are to have a savior who died and rose again so we could have life!
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