Thursday, January 3, 2013

To Find Joy Daily

As a New Year's Resolution, I made a promise to myself to find joy in every single day.  I have been coping with anxiety and panic for five years, and often the worst attacks are a result of my thoughts about the future and the catastrophe that awaits me in my head.  Newsflash: these catastrophes don't happen like my mind leads me to believe; however, I continually get right back on the panic train to nowhere time and time again.

I am proud to report that I'm taking steps to go beyond struggling and coping in order to enter a place of joy every day.  Whether it's going to therapy, getting fresh air, finding a new hobby, exercising more, laughing, and seeking God more deeply, I am excited to be taking these steps.

Yesterday, I found the greatest joy in seeing Scarlett act like her old self again.  She herniated a disc in her back last week, and she has been very unhappy since.  We also had our family and Scarlett's dog cousin Dolly visiting, and I think it threw her off.  For a few days, she ignored me and barely wagged her tail.  Cuddling was off limits!  Yesterday, when I came home, she wagged her tail so hard and licked my face as I came in the door.  She followed me around and even cuddled with me last night.  I was so happy!

Today, I signed up for a 6-week hatha yoga class with my friend Baylee.  I am so excited to try yoga again and hope it helps relax and balance me.  I am thankful I have a friend to go with me.  Better yet, because we signed up together, we got a good discount on the class.  Talk about JOY!!!

I'm feeling better already...


  1. Yesterday does sound joyfull. A few years ago when I was having trouble snapping out of a depression I read a suggestion is Oprah's magazine to look for something beautiful every day. The next day I came home from work and the side of my house was covered with gorgeous clemetis blooms left from the prior owner. It was truly a beautiful day.

    Keep us informed with your progress.

  2. I have also suffered from anxiety and panic attacks for the past eight years. My anxiety usually centers around the fear of the unknown (ie - future) and travel (even though we LOVE to travel and do so regularly).
