Wednesday, July 31, 2013

17 Weeks

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 17 weeks
Size of baby: 5 inches long and about 6 ounces (almost doubling in weight from last week). The size of an onion!
Total Weight Gain: 2 Pounds
Maternity Clothes: No Maternity Clothes just yet, but I'm down to wearing anything that's stretchy.
Gender: Not finding out!
Movement: Maybe a little, but I'm not sure.
Sleep: Sleeping well on my back and side...sad to see the stomach sleeping go.
Symptoms: I have felt so much better since the last half of week 16.  My sinuses are clearing up, I have more energy, and I am less nauseous.
What I miss: Beer, coffee, sandwiches, and planning a vacation for the near future.
Cravings: Cheese, potatoes, fruit, and salt & vinegar chips.
Best Moment this week: Getting back in the kitchen and cooking dinner without having the urge to throw up.  Victory!!!
What I am looking forward to: Not being pregnant anymore!  Ha!  I'm looking forward to beginning the nursery project.  

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

16 Weeks

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 16 weeks
Size of baby: 4 1/2 inches long and about 3.5 ounces. The size of an avocado!
Total Weight Gain: 2 Pounds
Maternity Clothes: No Maternity Clothes just yet, but I'm down to wearing anything that's stretchy.
Gender: Not finding out!
Movement: Not yet
Sleep: Sleeping well, but my doctor told me yesterday that it's time to retire to my side for good.  I'm hoping I will get used to not being able to sleep on my stomach.
Symptoms: Unfortunately I've had issues with sinus congestion this week, and I'm blowing my nose and coughing constantly.  I'm still tired, but my food aversions are almost gone at this point.  I am also using two pillows during work while I sit at my desk.  One is for my tailbone, the other is for my back.  I'm either pregnant or 80!
What I miss: Beer, sandwiches, and my energy
Cravings: I love cheese and salty food, but I don't have any out of the ordinary cravings just yet.  Still loving potatoes.
Best Moment this week: Hearing McBaby's heartbeat yesterday. It sounded like a galloping horse.  It was 158 BPM.
What I am looking forward to: Our 19 week appointment.  We aren’t finding out the gender, but I am excited to see McBaby on the ultrasound.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

15 Weeks

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 15 weeks
Size of baby: 4 inces long and about 2.5 ounces. The size of an apple!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: At the doctor’s office two weeks ago, I have gained one pound since my first weigh-in.
Maternity Clothes: Thankfully my mom took me shopping for a few maternity pieces.  I haven’t had to wear them yet, but some of my normal clothes are a little snug around the waste.
Gender: Not finding out!
Movement: Can’t decide if I occasionally feel flutters or if it’s gas and bloating I am feeling!
Sleep: Sleeping well for the most part.  Still sleeping on my stomach as much as I can.
Symptoms: Occasional nausea and fatigue.  I randomly cry because of all of these hormones
What I miss: An occasional beer and sandwiches
Cravings: Cheese and anything potato.  I eat Greek yogurt every day too!  I prefer salty over sweet foods.
Best Moment this week: Getting the new house organized and painted.  (Don’t worry, we used No VOC paint). Picking out paint swatches for McBaby’s nursery.
What I am looking forward to: Our 19 week appointment.  We aren’t finding out the gender, but I am excited to see McBaby on the ultrasound.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

A McBaby Story

Well…it’s been years months since I’ve written.  But hey, I have a great excuse!  Michael and I made a baby, and I’ve been carrying it in my belly for the past 12 weeks!  We just told the world on Saturday, so now I can finally blog about it.  I’m going to try to cram everything into this one post, so bear with me.  I apologize if any of my details provide too much information, but I would like to remember everything.

Unlike most pregnant gals, I know the exact date we conceived McBaby.  How is that?  Because in our 7 years of marriage, Michael and I have been meticulous about birth control…except for one time.  On April 18, 2013, we threw caution to the wind, I was certain I had already ovulated, and we thought, “who gets pregnant after just once.”  Trust me, I am eating my words now!  We became part of the “It only takes once” statistic that day, and I would be lying if I told you I didn’t feel stupid at all!

Fast forward just a couple of weeks to Friday, May 4th.  I had been having common period symptoms for four days, but there was no sign of a period.  Earlier that week, Michael was making dinner, and I remember telling him how awful it smelled to me.  He jokingly teased me that I already had a pregnant nose.  I thought nothing of it, but now it makes sense.  So that Friday, I went to the grocery store to get a few things, and picked up a pregnancy test along with my groceries.  I wanted piece of mind so I could move on because I knew I was not pregnant.  I got home, put up my groceries, and then I took the test.  It quickly showed the negative line, and my anxiety eased.  But as I continued to sit there, the plus sign started filling in, and my heart began to race as the room got fuzzy.  My heart was literally beating out of my chest.  I was not happy, I was not sad, I was shocked.  I think this was the closest to an out of body experience I have ever felt. 

So many women dream of the day they find out they are pregnant and plan elaborate or creative announcements to share the news with their husbands.  There was no time for that.  I picked up the phone, called Michael and said “Guess What?”  He instantly knew, and you could hear a pin drop on the phone line as we both sat there for a second.  I hung up the phone with Michael, and I called my mom.  I don’t really think she knew how to react when I told her.  Her self-proclaimed childfree daughter was calling to say she was pregnant.  She was going to be a grandmother, and I don’t think she knew how to feel.  She barely said anything, but she called me back later and was very excited.

I was four weeks along when I took the test, and it would be four more weeks before we went to the doctor.  These were the worst weeks for me.  I was so anxious, confused, shocked, and sick.  The worst part was that I couldn’t talk to anyone about what I was going through because we decided to keep the news to ourselves until we went to the doctor.   The week we went to the beach for our anniversary was the week I felt the worst.  I was six weeks along, and I physically, mentally, and emotionally was a wreck!  Poor Michael handled it so well though.  The hardest part for me was the fear of being sick, not the actual sickness itself.  I don’t know if that makes sense, but my anxiety tends to make me think catastrophic thoughts, and on my worst days I imagined myself throwing up at work or at a restaurant and being really embarrassed.  I’m glad that part is over, and I am happy to say I survived!!!

I was so nervous before our 8-week appointment, but I love my doctor and her staff.  We felt at ease talking to her, and she calmed all my nerves.  We were so excited during the first ultrasound.  Michael didn’t realize what the flickering was on the screen, and when I told him it was the heartbeat, I think he may have cried!  We went back to the doctor at 13 weeks and had a second ultrasound.  I could not believe how much the baby had grown from a little bean to a fetus with a clearly defined head and arms that were flailing around.  The heartbeat looked strong still.

Every day, this adventure is more real, and I am trying to find my place as a girl who is expecting and will be a mom in less than 6 months.  I never thought this would be me, and I have to pinch myself from time to time.  It was great to finally announce that we were expecting over the weekend because it seems more real now. 

In case you are wondering why we are calling our little one McBaby (I am sure you are smart enough to figure out that McBaby plays off of McGreevey), I want to share that we have decided not to find out the gender before McBaby is born.  I reluctantly agreed to this because Michael has said that he would always want to be surprised if we became parents.  He thinks there will be nothing sweeter than being surprised at McBaby’s birth.  He felt so strongly about this, and I know it makes him happy, so we will refer to our little one as McBaby until he or she enters the world.  Now, I am navigating the gender-neutral world trying to decide how to decorate the nursery.  I have a few ideas that I am excited about.

Today, I am 14 weeks along.  I am feeling good for the most part.  I’m still exhausted, but I wonder if that has to do with the fact that we just moved then traveled to Arkansas for 5 days right after.  I haven’t had a chance to catch up, and it’s driving me crazy to have an unorganized house.  As far as food goes, I don’t really crave anything specifically, but there have been foods I don’t want to eat.  It’s hard for me to eat meat, and I want salty food much more than I want sweet stuff.

Now that I am able to openly talk about McBaby, I plan to blog a lot more.  I really want to capture as much as I can on this journey.