I will officially be 33 weeks on Wednesday, which is also my 31st birthday. I have never been that big into celebrating my birthday, but I certainly don't mind a gift or two and a nice dinner to celebrate. I certainly enjoyed my 30th birthday last year. Well...this year, I will be celebrating my 31st by going to our 33 week OB appointment then to an evening breastfeeding class. I cannot believe how much my life has changed this year! The girl who never thought she would have children is attending a breastfeeding class on her birthday. All I can do is laugh sometimes and appreciate the irony and surprises of life. It will be a birthday I won't forget for sure!
How Far Along: 32 weeks
Size of baby: Just more than 16.7 inches long and almost 3.75 pounds. The size of a jicama.
Maternity Clothes: I am wearing maternity most of the time with the exception of my lounge clothes. I love wearing Michael's hoodies.
Gender: Not finding out! I have to confess, I'm a little over the gender neutral thing at this point. It is going to make the day so much more special than it already is for us, but I have vetoed buying anything else for McBaby because I refuse to buy one more item that is yellow, green or has ducks on it.
Movement: McBaby moves a lot these days...
Sleep: Better than I thought it would be so far!
Symptoms: I tire out more easily, occasional heart burn and back pain, but I feel good for the most part.
What I miss: Not eating carbs and sugar around the holidays is difficult, and I miss wine, sushi, and eating sandwiches as much as I want.
Cravings: Pickles and cheese all day long
Best Moment this week: Washing my last set of baby clothes before McBaby arrives. I love folding little onesies!
What I am looking forward to: Putting the final touches on the nursery and sharing pictures of how it has turned out.
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