We have always appreciated staying around the house. We like to chill out and cook meals at home, so our new life hasn't been as much of an adjustment as it is for some who are usually on the go every weekend. And most of those first time parents may still be on the go and just bring their little one along with them. That's not really us. We like to relax and stay in when we can. We both get easily exhausted hauling Noah around, but it is getting easier as he is able to stay awake a little longer. He can be a real piece of work when he doesn't get his naps in though, so we still like to plan around those necessary hours of peace!
A new weekend tradition that we have accidentally but happily started is hanging out in the backyard and making a pallet in the grass while Michael grills meat that we use to make meals for the rest of the week. We started doing this because having meat already cooked throughout the week simply helped out at dinner time each night and I get tired of the crock pot, but we have really started to enjoy this time as a family being outside and enjoying the weather.
Talking to Scarlett and Me!
Noah has changed so much in the past two weeks. His eyes have all of a sudden opened to the world, and he loves taking in everything around him. We have huge trees that canopy our backyard, and he loves to lay on his back and watch the branches sway. Whenever Scarlett isn't guarding the grill with Michael, she will walk by and lick Noah in the face and he gets so excited. Noah has also started cooing and blowing raspberries. I think that's his favorite activity, and you know he's in a good mood by the number of times he blows raspberries at you!
Blowing Raspberries
Blowing Raspberries Together
I'm learning to enjoy the simple times like this with our family. I see how fast our babies grow, and I want to cherish all of these simple but sweet moments as much as I can. I'd rather be hanging out together in our backyard every weekend than be anywhere else these days!
Daddy's Buddy
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