After fighting the West Town mob, I was quickly over shopping. Besides, in every store, all the clothes looked the same. I couldn't step two feet inside before being bombarded with "fashion" clearly designed by a sea captain!
I do believe the Nautical Trend has officially gotten out of control!
I'll be the first to admit I love this trend in it's pure, un-Forever 21, form. I have dedicated a very special place in my closet for my favorite spring "nautical" striped shirts. I own shirts and dresses with navy and white, gray and white, and black and white stripes. I love them because they are classic and will remain a part of my wardrobe for seasons to come. I pair them with khaki or white shorts, my trench or military jacket, red flats and a few gold accessories, but that's as far as I go.
If you want to take this trend a step further than me, just visit the mall and you can become the proud owner of your very own sailor pantsuit or dress with chintzy white buttons, a shiny black and white captains hat, a gold chevron sailor's jacket, and anchor accessories galore! Come to think of it, this might make a great Halloween outfit this year!
Trends are great for spicing up your wardrobe, but going too far makes you look like you are trying way too hard people. If you want to be trendy, stick to accessories or wear one trendy piece at a time. Don't overdo it!
Think Parisian chic! Europeans always look effortless in their attempts at fashion. Pair your nautical pieces with a trench or anorak and a great pair of crisp white shorts, but please leave the anchors and sea captain hats at home!
For every day fashion inspiration, check out one of my favorite fashion photography blogs by Scott Schuman called The Sartorialist. His archives offer great examples of how to wear the nautical trend the right way.
Amanda Peet embraces the trend effortlessly!
This is a perfect example of how good this trend can look to how bad it can get. I love the dress and skirt in the middle, but I hate the two dresses on the far left and right. I'm indifferent about the shoes and bag.

Photos Courtesy of
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