Thursday, February 18, 2010

Today's Soapbox

Yesterday, I was reading a blog whose author is a copywriter, and one of her posts was about finding something to blog about. She suggested that bloggers go to Google News and write a blog based on some of the news stories they read. I took her advice today and went to Google News. Here are two noteworthy headlines (not copied verbatim) from the past week, on the local and national news fronts: Teacher shoots assistant principal and principal at Knoxville elementary school Professor shoots six, kills three Talk about depressing headlines! My immediate thought is, "Is this nonsense ever going to end?" I mean really, what is America coming to when our educated citizens are the ones shooting up people in our schools and universities? For those of you who have them, what do you tell your children when they don't understand how to deal with anger because they've witnessed the aftermath of their teacher blowing up their principal because she didn't renew his contract. Or better yet, what are we supposed to think when a professor, the apex of our education system, makes the selfish choice to injure and kill her colleagues because she wasn't rewarded tenure. Just go work at another university lady or be thankful that you have a job as a PROFESSOR! I never should have followed the advice of that blogger yesterday because this makes me so angry. Thousands of people have lost their jobs, livelihoods, and faith in this wreckless economy, but they have chosen to be thankful for what remains and to be patient in their search for a happier ending. To me, the hope that these men and women possess is the true picture of what being American means. The media should make a conscious decision to report more stories about these brave Americans and quit giving face time to ignorant shooters! But I'm just saying...


  1. I think that there have always been "crazies". We have lost our ability or our willingness to use the ability to recognize them. Maybe they should have told her years ago she wouldn't get tenure, "oh by the way, here is your restraining order."

  2. I agree Clay. We definitely need to slow down and take a look at who we call educators these days.
