To Tell the Truth If you grew up like me, one of the cardinal rules in your home was to always tell the truth. My parents taught me that no matter how much the truth hurts, telling the truth is always better than lying in the end. Except for, in my opinion, those little white lies we tell in cases of emergency when courtesy triumphs over the truth. I vividly remember a lie I told my parents when I couldn’t have been older than three. I had a plastic shelf in my bedroom full of stuffed animals. I went to reach for a bear on the very top shelf only to watch in horror the entire shelf and all my toys come tumbling down with a big crash and explode all over my room. Mom, dad, and their radar ears came quickly to my rescue. “What happened Brandi? What did you do?” In sheer panic and in fear of getting in trouble, I quickly exclaimed, “I don’t know, Patches did it!” Patches was our family pet, a cat that adored my dad and that just happened to be in his presence at the same time the big crash occurred. Ahhh…if only I had brothers and sisters to blame. Long story short, I got a spanking for lying to my parents and blaming the cat, and I am quite certain I learned my lesson. Always make sure you know where the cat is before you lie! I am not a good liar, and I think this is an admiral trait to have. Michael may be the most honest human being I’ve ever met, and his honesty tops the list of why I married him. I value honesty, and I wholeheartedly believe the truth will set you free. No matter how much it hurts to tell or to hear the truth, eventually you will heal and will be free from the burden of living a lie. Haven’t you always heard, “One lie leads to another?” Lying can be exhausting! Okay…I’m starting to sound preachy, but seriously take it from Pinocchio and just tell the truth already!
“When in doubt, tell the truth.” Anonymous
Love it! Especially the part about blaming the cat!!!
ReplyDeleteI know exactly what you mean. I suck at lying because the guilt is written all over my face. Haha.
ReplyDeletePatches did it! Hahahaha! I'll have to use that sometime..... :)