Wednesday, April 7, 2010

A Sucky Moment

It sucks when you find out your dad has a facebook page and forgot to make his wall posts private, especially when he calls his 59 friends his "family" and tells them how much he loves them all.

P.S. I'm not one of his facebook friends.

I guess it's my bad for reading his profile.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Some people will never realize what is important in life. They put value on material things not their relationships. One day he will realize what he has lost.

  3. I know your dad isn't all bad...but this post makes me want to slam his head into a concrete wall. If I thought it would help him see what a total and complete idiot he is being and what damage he is causing his own life, I would do it. He is so sad.

  4. Thanks for always being there mom! Taylor, I'm convinced you would make a great bodyguard!
