Monday, September 30, 2013

25 Weeks

25 Weeks...the week I began carrying a basketball!  I woke up on Saturday and discovered I had grown overnight.  My aching hips and back should have been my first clue, but when I got out of bed and could barely see my feet anymore, it was confirmed.  I cannot believe 25 weeks have passed by, and I will only have 14 more to go on Wednesday.  

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 25 weeks
Size of baby: 13 1/2 inches long and 1 1/2 pounds. The size of a rutabaga.  
Maternity Clothes: Wearing these more and more.  Maternity jeans are the most comfortable invention ever!  
Gender: Not finding out!
Movement: We have a morning baby.  He/she is active early just like mommy.
Sleep: I wake up in the middle of the night, and I am starting to have difficulty getting back to sleep.  
Symptoms: I have felt good this week, but I am experiencing more back and hip pain.  
What I miss: I really want a glass of wine, and then I would like to fall asleep on my stomach.
Cravings: Still loving pickles, and I crave sweets so much more now than I did in the beginning. 
Best Moment this week: Slowing down this weekend and being able to rest a bit.
What I am looking forward to: Our baby showers!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

24 Weeks

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 24 weeks
Size of baby: 11 inches long and 13 ounces. The size of a canteloupe
Maternity Clothes: Maternity jeans and stretchy or flowy dresses. I have added dress maternity tops and leggings to my wardrobe. 
Gender: Not finding out!
Movement: Lots more movement these days, and I felt hiccups for the first time!
Sleep: Good for now...I wake up once or twice at night, but I can't complain.
Symptoms: I have felt good this week.  
What I miss: Sleeping on my stomach or back, the occasional adult beverage, sandwiches, and caffeinated coffee
Cravings: I can't get enough's ridiculous!  I also enjoy a lot of ice cream.
Best Moment this week: McBaby now has a crib to sleep in. I received great news at work, and I am going to be able to stay home more with McBaby once he or she arrives. 
What I am looking forward to: Checking things off my never ending baby to-do list!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

23 Weeks

We survived registering!  I hope I'm not the only mom-to-be who found registering for our McBaby to be overwhelming and exhausting.  It didn't help that dad-to-be was tapping his feet the whole time hurrying me up because there was lots of football waiting for him at home.  But he insisted he should be part of the registering extravaganza!  We got a late start on Saturday and only made it to one store before it was time to head to the house.  We completed part two on Sunday, and by the weekend's end, we were pooped!

Registering for a baby is not like registering for a wedding.  Vases and linens do not compare to choosing between the endless rows of diapers, bottles, and pacifiers.  We don't even know if McBaby will like a single thing we registered for!  I'm being dramatic of course.  It was a fun experience overall, but I'm glad we are done.

After registering, this is what the rest of our afternoon looked like.  Two good games requires two TVs so that Michael doesn't miss anything.  He rarely has a Saturday off during football season, and this was all that he could ask for.

Here is my 23 week picture that we took right before heading out Saturday morning.

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 23 weeks
Size of baby: 11 inches long and just over 1 pound. The size of a grapefruit! 
Maternity Clothes: Maternity jeans and stretchy or flowy dresses. I have added dress maternity tops and leggings to my wardrobe. 
Gender: Not finding out!
Movement: Lots more movement these days, and I love it!
Sleep: I've enjoyed great sleep this week in my pillow fort I have created.  Poor Scarlett and Michael don't stand a chance for the next few months.  
Symptoms: I have felt good this week.  Just a little tired, but I can't complain.  
What I miss: Sleeping on my stomach or back, the occasional adult beverage, sandwiches, and caffeinated coffee
Cravings: Sweets
Best Moment this week: Feeling stronger kicks and registering with Michael.  I'm glad he wanted to come along and register together. 
What I am looking forward to: Having no plans on Saturday and enjoying the day all to myself.

Monday, September 9, 2013

21 & 22 Weeks

I'm having to do a catch up post today, especially since I realized I'm 2 days away from 23 weeks.  Life has been so so so busy lately, and I am looking forward to slowing down for a few weeks before October comes and the schedule gets crazy again.  My mom came in for Labor Day weekend, and we got so much accomplished with shopping for McBaby and putting parts of the nursery together.  My mom can get more accomplished in 3 days than Michael and I can in a month.  I don't know how she does it, but I usually need a vacation after she leaves and has whipped me into shape!  In the midst of our chaos, she took my 21 week preggo pick for me.  Our other baby wanted to be in the picture too!

This past weekend, we travelled to Arkansas to watch the Samford Bulldogs play the Arkansas Razorbacks in Little Rock.  Michael got tickets for my family as well, so it was nice they got to go with us.  Thankfully we did not tailgate because it was 101 degrees when the game started, and I was miserable.  Once the sun set, it wasn't too bad, and the game was really fun to watch.  Samford held on for most of the game, even winning in the fourth quarter, but the Hogs came back and defeated us.  It was a fun night!  Here are some pics we took before the game, including my 22 week picture.  

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 22 weeks
Size of baby: 11 inches long and about 1 pound. The size of a spaghetti squash! 
Maternity Clothes: Maternity jeans and stretchy or flowy dresses. I have added dress maternity tops and leggings to my wardrobe. 
Gender: Not finding out!
Movement: Flutters and light movement, mostly at night
Sleep: Hit or miss.  I'm dreaming a lot, and I wake up a few times a night with back pain or leg cramps 
Symptoms: I feel good the majority of the time, but I'm tired and starting to feel pregnant as my belly grows and makes life a little more uncomfortable
What I miss: Sleeping on my stomach or back, the occasional adult beverage, sandwiches, and caffeinated coffee
Cravings: I've wanted ice cream a lot lately
Best Moment this week: Feeling stronger kicks  
What I am looking forward to: Registering with Michael on Saturday morning before spending the entire afternoon at home together on the couch and watching football!